Posture Revival 

for Office Professionals

Improve your posture, breathe better, & move more freely in 5 weeks with this self-paced program tailored for office professionals who spend their days at a desk.

Prolonged sitting has become the norm for many workers across the globe—and pain is on the rise from it. Since 1950 sedentary jobs have increased by 83% Less than 20% of jobs in the U.S. are physically active, a decrease of 50% since 1960.

This means over 80% of jobs in America are sitting-related. Does your back hurt just from reading this? This research has been done by many organizations like, Just Stand, Forbes, BLS, and BMJ.


- Feeling relief from the stiffness that accompanies everyday activities 

- Gaining more energy to engage in your favorite activities again

- Lessening persistent aches and discomfort associated with postural habits

- Sitting and standing with improved posture and feeling a sense of comfort, ease, and confidence

- Having an easier time playing with your kids or pets

By improving your posture and movement quality, you can unlock a range of benefits that positively impact your day-to-day life.

Whether you're a dedicated office professional who spends your days sitting, a student buried in textbooks, or someone who spends countless hours on screens, the impact on your body can be significant. 

Tight, shortened muscles and sore, lengthened muscles causing compensation become the unwelcome companions of your daily life. This program addresses the imbalances that have developed over time due to prolonged sitting. 

Posture Revival for Office Professionals

In 5 weeks, you can unlock the power of self-improvement with this self-paced program. 

This comprehensive program targets the muscles commonly affected by prolonged sitting, addressing the imbalances that cause poor posture and pain. By incorporating these exercises, you'll strengthen and stabilize key areas, allowing your body to move with greater ease and comfort.


A 5-week exercise program for office professionals to help combat the effects of prolonged sitting 

Module 3: Safety, Stretching & Rolling

Acquire insights to ensure a safe and fulfilling exercise journey. Equip yourself with foundational knowledge to maximize the effectiveness of the workout videos and stay safe throughout your fitness experience.

module 4: Exercise Videos for Weeks 1-5 

Module 1: Posture & Wellness

Explore the benefits of improving posture and its impact on overall wellness. Discover the correlation between posture, the vagus nerve, and anxiety. Learn how posture affects lymph flow and its influence on various aspects of your health.

module 2: Activating your Inner Core

Understand the relationship between your inner core and spinal stability. Discover techniques to engage the inner core muscles and master the art of proper breathing to enhance overall well-being.

Gain access to the structured workouts. Each week includes videos to follow and two workouts planned. All workouts are under 35 minutes and are low-impact. 

Unlike videos that offer only a handful of exercises in lengthy presentations, this program focuses on reducing fluff and saving your valuable time. It condenses the essential exercises and techniques into a streamlined routine that can be completed in a reasonable timeframe.

The program includes stretching and equipment-free exercises, covering full-body postural alignment rather than just focusing on the back. The corrective exercises ensures a progressive and effective approach to improving your posture.


*All you need for this program is a way to watch the videos (smartphone or laptop). A foam roller is encouraged, but not required.

The content focus is on enhancing your movement quality and addressing the imbalances caused by prolonged sitting. ​​The program offers an approach that helps you achieve better posture so you can live taller, breath better, and live a more fulfilling life.

With this program, you can experience:

  • Improved posture, allowing you to stand taller and exude confidence in your daily life.
  • Reduced compression on your lungs and internal organs, leading to easier breathing and a sense of calmness and relaxation.
  • Strengthened body and improved stability, reducing the risk of future injuries and enabling you to move with confidence and resilience.
  • Improved muscle function, providing you with increased energy and vitality throughout the day.
  • Posture that enhances blood and lymph circulation, improves digestion, and promotes overall health from within.
  • Transformed static and dynamic posture, empowering you to engage in activities you enjoy with better form and reduced discomfort.

Hi, I’m Lexi!

After my first year of working at a desk job, I learned a valuable lesson: posture truly matters, and its impact goes far beyond just the musculoskeletal system. 

As I struggled with various symptoms, I discovered that suboptimal posture was a significant contributing factor. It became clear that my muscle imbalances were creating a snowball effect, affecting my breathing, lymphatic system, mental health, and even my body's ability to heal and rest.

Through this journey, I developed a deep awareness of the interconnectedness of the entire body. I experienced firsthand how improving posture can bring about a wide range of benefits that extend beyond mere appearance and alignment. By incorporating simple corrective exercises to rebalance my body, I found myself breathing better, feeling better both mentally and physically.

These personal experiences ignited a deep passion within me for the transformative power of posture and corrective exercise as a means to enhance healing and well-being for both the body and the mind.

This program is for you if you…

- Feel that your posture is impacting your quality of life and movement.

- Enjoy your job, but your body doesn't feel the same way.

- Prefer low-impact ways to work out that are gentle on your body.

- Are just starting out in your fitness journey.

- Feel restricted in your movements due to sitting for long periods.

By investing in this program, you are taking a proactive step towards alleviating discomfort, improving your posture, and enhancing your overall quality of life. 

 You should consult with your physician or healthcare professional before starting this or any other exercise program to determine if it is right for your needs. By performing any of these exercises you are performing them at your own risk. Lucid Healing will not be responsible or liable for any injury